King of Discs
Every act is a ritual.
Honor the land to honor me;
Charged to care for the vineyard;
empty vines are disobedient;
it is good land, where grapes grow.
Make harvest not war.
Count the yield in the third hour and then again in the sixth;
clear away the stones, nettles, and thorny ground;
do not trample down the starts, nor destroy my portion.
Look to my holy mountain, and the fertile hills;
Mark each seed;
plant a fig tree in their midst.
Sing the song of the vineyard,
‘Plowman dig my earth’.
like the ox, the wolf, the lamb; and the lion,
I will eat straw.
My toil will make firm the feeble.
I will keep it day and night.
Perishables grow in my garden,
yet Death is swallowed up
my tiny seeds.