Are we ready for Lammas Eve?

July 31: 10 degrees Leo;

Sun decan Leo/Leo.

Feast Day: British witches stop Hitler’s army from invading, 1940.

Sabian Oracle: “Early morning dew salutes the sunlight.”

Constellation: Crater; keyword- “Rulership.”

Strength: 1 – 30 degrees Leo; Fixed fire; Daughter of the Flaming Sword and Leader of the Lion; Ruled by Sun; Eighth Trump.

For some, Adolf Hitler has been called the modern world’s most famous and most evil, black magician.262 On this day in 1940, English witches gathered in the New Forest and raised an energy cone to stop the Nazis. One of the various covens active that night was Gerald Gardner’s coven.263 Gerald Gardner has written many books are witchcraft, many still in print. Strength against a common foe takes this trump to the archetype of good versus evil. Immediately following Britain’s declaration of war in 1939, Dion Fortune began a series of regular letters to members of her magical order, the Fraternity of the Inner Light, who were unable to hold meetings due to wartime travel restrictions. This story is outlined in the book, The Magical Battle of Britain. With enemy planes rumbling overhead, she organized a series of visualizations to formulate “seed ideas in the group mind”, archetypal visions to invoke angelic protection and uphold British morale under fire. “The war has to be fought and won on the physical plane,” she wrote, “before physical manifestation can be given to the archetypal ideals. Always optimistic, she guided her fraternity through the dark days of the London Blitz continuing her weekly letters even when the bombs came through her own roof. On this feast day, Lady Strength becomes Dion Fortune. Lammas Night (1986) by Katherine Kurtz, offers an original and interesting treatment of World War Two-era fiction. featuring a magical coven. The book serves as a primer on practices of the Old Religion. Lammas Night includes a spirited discussion of reincarnation theories and comparative religion, yet there are no lectures in the book, just presentations fitting seamlessly into the telling of the tale. Not the stuff of “Sword and Sorcery” or “fantasy,” here, Strength is definitely determined by the strength of the mind.264