Poem for Six of Wands







For this decan period is the Six of Wands

Six of Wands:

10 to 20 degrees Leo; Ruled by Triple Jupiter; Lord of Victory; “Joyful Spirit.”

The self-confident declaration in the tallest sunflowers,

The grounded peacefulness of spinning pinwheels.

A peek into the freedom of the August child

Brings marshmallows on a stick, melting over a campfire,

Pixie sticks, popsicle sticks, pick-up sticks.

Summertime days just waft away,

Like the tinkling music of the ice cream truck just out of hearing,

The smell of the road tar

Beyond the reach of the conscious mind.

The brave risks of youth, in the name of daring adventure, often leave no trace

Of a time when the street light coming on

Signaled the time to go home.

Baseball cards, slapping the wire spokes of the bike,

Pedaling at top speed.