Summer Solstice 2018

June 20-22: 0 degrees Cancer

Feast Day: Midsummer, Litha, Summer Solstice, Alban Heruin, Coamhain

Sun Tarot Trump 19

Some have a Summer reading list; some have a Summer card list and still, others might have an art list. I have a Summer list for all three to share with you. The Tarot image of a suspended man, as found in the trump key number twelve, the Hanged Man, is one such Summer card. Like the Hanged Man, “as if by magic,” the endless cycle of the seasons is physically and momentarily suspended at the Summer Solstice. Midsummer, also called Alban Heruin is associated with the Tarot cards the Hanged Man, the Sun and the Ace of Wands, as symbolic manifestations of the union of the male deity with the Goddess. These are the cards of Summer.

Author- Dara Doolittle, copyright 2018